Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm so over Facebook

I know I know I know that EVERYBODY has a facebook.  My father who is older than dirt even has a facebook.  Sorry Dad

However, I am so over it.  Just in the last two days I have posted links to two articles, and have started more drama then I want to deal with.

The first article was about women and modesty.  I truly believe that while not everyone who dresses in a way that shows off their bosoms are promiscious I still want to teach my daughter that it isn't appropriate to wear a bikini at all times.  I want her to have confidence in how she dresses and for her to look hip or whatever the term is going to be in about 6 years when she becomes a tween. 

The second article I read and then tagged some friends of mine who are dairy farmers to speak to it.  Wes was very kind to respond and am impressed with his depth of knowledge. One of my friends took what he said and spinned it in a way that I don't appreciate it. 

I know that facebook is a good thing and want to be able to connect with people but I also never want to check my religion or my core beliefs at the door.